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How necessary is a business space in a home?

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During the pandemic, remote work became an essential part of life for many people who had to adapt to an unforeseeable situation. Nowadays, many people have been able to continue working from home, which has been an improvement on their way of life. In the face of this, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and workers have also had to modify their home to turn it into a more comfortable workspace. That's why newer residential developments offer spaces such as business centers, so people can have a place to work near their home.


What is a business center?

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A business center is a space that allows people or organizations to carry out a professional activity. Business centers are designed to provide workers and entrepreneurs with everything they need to carry out their work, such as a meeting room, office furniture, or internet service, among others.


Advantages of having access to a business center

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Having a business center within reach can bring great benefits both for your personal and professional life, as it will allow you to set your own work schedules, especially if you work remotely. Other advantages include:

  • A workspace close to home: If your residential development has a business center, you get to use a space that's just minutes from your home and that's available whenever you need it, whether for virtual or face-to-face meetings, or to work on your projects.
  • Division of personal and work life: Although remote work has allowed for more flexible schedules, for many people it has become increasingly difficult to separate their work life from their personal life, since their place of work is also the place where they're supposed to rest and unwind. A business center allows you to have a separate place from your home where you can focus your work activities without mixing them with your personal space.
  • Comfort: Business centers are usually fully furnished and equipped for professional use. That means you can work comfortably and you won't need to invest in your own furniture.


SIMCA: Residential developments for businesses

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At SIMCA Real Estate, we adapt to the needs of our customers. That's why we have residential developments whose amenities include meeting rooms or business centers, so we can provide the best combination between home and work. Explore our real estate offer in the most important cities of southeast Mexico and find out what it's like to experience the best lifestyle.

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